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In the early 1900's (i.e. around 1914), workers' compensation insurance was established in many areas in North America. The insurance provided compensation to employees who were injured also on the families of these who had died on the work . it had been at this point that companies started hiring people to assist patch up their injured workers and to urge them back to figure as soon as possible, also as help prevent further injuries. Some called these people "safety advisers". The evolution of the security Adviser's role is probably best shown by the legend of a private referred to as Band-aid Bob. Keto Blaze Xtreme

Band-aid Bob wasn't his real name, but that's what he came to be called. If ever there was a security one that could patch people up after they were injured, it had been Bob. At this point within the evolutionary history of health and safety, there was no such thing as formal health and safety management systems. Workplace injuries were common and accepted as a part of the work . People like Band-aid Bob were typically hired by only the most important of companies who needed someone to administer good care and felt they might afford the overhead. Many of those safety people were workers with work injury disabilities like a missing hand, fingers, or toes. After all, if anyone knew anything about health and safety, it had to be an already injured worker.

Bob was excellent at his job. One evening, tired from a tough day of administering bandages, cauterizing wounds, and massaging strained muscles, Band-aid Bob decided to require a while for himself. He packed up some gear and hiked into the mountains. Trekking up Mount Doringba, he made a fantastic discovery that might change how companies viewed employee health and safety.

High on the mountain, Bob stumbled onto some tablets inscribed with strange writings. Among many broken pieces of tablets, he found two intact pieces. Excited about his find, he brought the 2 tablets back to the town and had them transcribed. The tablets' writings proved to be pivotal to health and safety as they identified key elements to achieving health and safety excellence. the weather included: Management Commitment and Involvement, Hazard Identification and Assessment, Records and Administration, Inspection, and Investigation.

Soon Bob found himself on a speaking tour spreading the word about his findings, laced with interpretations from none aside from Band-aid Bob himself. When asked about the importance of the writings, Bob would respond, "These key elements are needed so as to realize safety excellence. Success in implementing these elements means you'll never need to bandage up an employee again." Keto Blaze Xtreme

Present Day Health & Safety Management Systems

To many people, Bob's new approach to safety made tons of sense and, over time, Bob gained quite following. Soon word spread and corporations everywhere the planet adopted the weather . Mounting interest within the elements gave rise to numerous health & safety associations, safety professionals and consultants who all helped spread the word to many companies and their employees. Many companies hired people dedicated to implementing and maintaining these landmark elements. Billions of dollars were spent implementing them.

For a time, improvements to health and safety were achieved. Companies employing the weather noticed reductions in incident and accident rates. Fatality rates decreased. Insurance rates decreased. This success lasted for several years but, there came a time when fatality rates stopped decreasing and a few people began to question the worth of the essential program elements. Others suggested the essential elements had improved about all they might improve in their companies. They involved a re-evaluation of the established order , but the prospect of change was a really advertising . By this point , numerous people had bought in to the essential health and safety elements that had been passed right down to them by Band-aid Bob. Their livelihood depended upon them. To now invest alternative approaches threatened their very existence and would suggest that they had right along been following the incorrect path.<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->


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